Our main goal and philosophy here at Botanica is to not only meet, but exceed your expectations. We want your wedding to be far more beautiful than you imagined. The most rewarding part of our jobs is seeing the finished product. We truly love it. And the icing on the cake is knowing that we have accomplished our goal.
Most recently, May 1st, we were a part of a gorgeous wedding at
The Renaissance Vinoy Resort and Hotel. Today we received the most beautiful thank you letter from the Mother of the Bride and couldn't help but share:
"Dear Ian,
I would be remiss if I did not share with you the extreme pride and joy we felt when presenting the Vinoy Ballroom to our guests. It was absolutely breathtaking!
It pleased me to no end to watch you and my daughter engage in dialogue and harmoniously end up on the same page. You both communicated so well and I marvel how you anticipated "the look" she was unable to fully express at times. You are the consummate professional!
Ian, I cannot thank you enough for making our special day the most beautiful imaginable. May you bring smiles and full hearts for many years to come!"
- Mother of the Bride